Marilena, after attending classical studies at the University,
returned to her old passion for drawing, painting and poetry.
She began working with Rino in 1987, and has become an expert on retouching
and hand-colouring prints, a technique which she learned on her own.
The darkroom and the atelier have been ever closely connected and have always worked in synergy. Here the prints are dried and flattened, spotted, retouched and calibrated. Prints may be mounted with custom-cut window mats, mounted with a hot press mount for archival preservation according to the most rigorous museum standards.
We would like to draw special attention to the hand-colouring techniques that have been elaborated over the years, using egg albumin colours applied by brush. This process makes each print a “unique copy” and recalls the hand-colouring effects of former years yet tends toward a contemporary and completely
non-realistic perspective.